Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Best, If Not Only, Comedians Using Vine

Kurt Braunohler


Braunohler's comedy makes the world seem just a little more absurd—one of his favorite activities is to go to CVS and buy greeting cards, write alternative messages in them, and then return said cards for future generations to laugh at. His Vine feed thus far is pretty experimental, and shows promise as a means for him to tell little odd stories in a condensed format.

Steve Agee


The agile Agee has found plenty of ways to wrap Vine around his everyday life, documenting run-ins with giant disembodied hands and lightning-fast interviews with Brody Stevens. Here's that, and a veritable one-man magic show from last night:

Ted Travelstead


 Travelstead's first Vine post has everything: heart, torment, groins, groins, groins, etc. And for the love of God, please follow @trumpetcake on Twitter. He makes with the funny.

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